Welcome to our newest staff member Machayla Duke! Let's be real for a moment, Machayla isn't exactly new, she's been volunteering with CRC for a long while. She has become such a valued staff member and asset to this ministry in many ways.
Associates in Science
Chattanooga State Community College
B.S. in Psychology
Tennessee Tech
Trainings and Certifications
Trauma-informed care, Narcan, sexual addiction/compulsion, and signs of drug use.
Drug and Alcohol Assessment Certified
Why Champion Recovery Community?
My time with Champion Recovery started back in 2018 when the recovery program was just starting to take off. After I moved back to Marion County I was drawn once again to Champion Recovery. I am currently the Participant Advocate and I love being able to connect our interns with resources to help them succeed in their recovery journey. I’m not exactly sure why, but I do know this is the population I am meant to work with. Aside from having family and friends deal with addiction and recovery, addiction and how drugs affect the brain has always interested me. I want to further my education and knowledge to help not only our interns but also our local community.
When I’m not working you can find me making earrings, painting, or hanging out with my cat or niece.
When you give you are not only helping our community, but it is also an official tax write-off. Give before 12/31/2024.