o Born in El Paso, Texas
o Moved to Montana at 6 weeks old and lived there through high school – consider myself a Montanan
o College attended in Montana – married young and husband joined military
o 2 children – close in age
o Assignments in Texas and Colorado (additional college); while in Colorado, spouse did one year remote tour in S. Korea
o Assignments in Hawaii (graduated from University of Hawaii), Nebraska, Germany (oldest graduated high school) and back to Texas for spouse military retirement, oldest child joined military and youngest graduated high school/started college
· Tell us about your family
o Been married to the same man for going on 42 years
o Two children, three grandchildren
o Mother still living and lives in the area but aging fast mentally
o Brother (only sibling) and family moved to the area a few years ago
· Tell us about your skillset such as education, training, experience in the workforce, volunteering, etc.
o BBA – Business Administration (Accounting)
o CPA – currently licensed in TN
o Worked in private and then public accounting roles for 31 years
o Began volunteering at 15 as a girls softball coach. Volunteer roles include coaching youth sports, teaching children/youth/adult Sunday school and bible studies, serving on personnel and finance committees of various churches we were members of during our military moves, hosting/providing food service support for youth church trips, and serving on professional organization boards.
o About 3 - 4 years ago, I felt an exceptionally strong call to step out/up to specifically join an organization to help the less fortunate folks in this community. I had been “helping” in a variety of ways but more of an ad hoc/requested assistance basis. Then during my searching, I heard Alyson Riley present the mission of Champion Recovery Community in our church and instantly knew that God wanted me involved somehow. The ministry had a huge need for someone to help them manage their finances, help them get ready to grow immensely and be hands on with the recovery ministry. I’m not trained nor ever really in close proximity to folks seeking to recover from addiction, trauma and/or co-dependency – but that’s okay as God equips us for the tasks He sets before us.
Bible verses that are speaking loudest to me in recent years
o Mark 10:45 and 1 Cor 10:24 as well as Jesus’ example in John 13:12-15
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