I was born in Chattanooga, and raised in East Ridge by my parents and my sister. I graduated from East Ridge High School then the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. I then attended the University of Tennessee College of Medicine and complete my residency in Family Medicine at UT Erlanger Chattanooga. For the last 12 years, I have practiced in South Pittsburg, Tennessee. I am a single mother of one son, one dog, and a cat. As a family, we enjoy sunshine, cooking together, UT sports, and spending time with family and friends.
In addition to being a physician, I am a recovering addict. Burdened by the demons of trauma for decades, I turned to prescription drugs as a solution. I sought treatment when the pills didn’t work anymore. Even though I had been raised in church, I met Jesus in a deeper way during the difficult work of trauma recovery. I serve with the CRC to support women navigating early recovery and show them the healing power of Jesus in this process. Addiction and trauma recovery are the greatest gifts of my life. I want to share the gifts of recovery with all who need it and be a living example of Romans 8:28 that all things work together for good for those who love God.
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