CRC is led by our Executive Director Alyson Riley, along with our Participant Advocate Machayla Duke. We are blessed to have incredible community volunteers and an amazing board serving with our free recovery program.
Champion Recovery Community began in 2010 in the Marion County jail filling a desperate need to reach women in crisis. We have expanded our reach far and wide in 12 years. This nonprofit organization has expanded our outreach to include women who are currently incarcerated and those who aren't with our free recovery program. We provide 12-week programs for our interns approximately three times a year.
Champion Recovery Community comes together to help individuals in our local area to overcome addictions, co-dependencies and traumas with discipleship, mentoring and training through the transformative power of Jesus with our free recovery program.
Call us and leave a confidential message for more information about our free recovery program or nonprofit information. We will return your call as soon as possible. 423.664.3288
*****Come to the rear entrance.****
108 East Third Street Jasper TN 37347
When you give you are not only helping our community, but it is also an official tax write-off. Give before 12/31/2024.